Thursday, December 6, 2007

People Power in Schorndorf - Germany


Ragini Upadhdaya - Grela / People Power

30. November 2007 | 20.30 Uhr

Grußwort des Oberbürgermeisters von Schorndorf, Herrn Matthias Klopfer

Einführende Worte von Sabine Reichle-Nolle

Es sind vor allem drei Bereiche, zu denen die bekannte nepalische Künstlerin arbeitet: Die Kraft des Weiblichen, die Beschwörung des Friedens und der politische Machtkampf.

Letzterer ist ihr Thema in den Materialdrucken dieser Ausstellung. Die Arbeiten entstanden angesichts der bis heute dauernden Auseinandersetzung zwischen dem ungeliebten König, den traditionellen politischen Parteien und den allgegenwärtigen Maoisten in Nepal.

Aber nicht die politischen Programme interessieren die Künstlerin, sondern die Psychologie der politischen Akteure. Ihren Ehrgeiz, ihr Streben nach Macht stellt sie – manchmal fast karikierend – dar.

Während ihre Formsprache stark von der europäischen Malerei beeinflusst ist (Ragini studierte Kunst u.a. in Stuttgart) greift ihre Symbolik die alten Mythen ihrer Heimat auf: z.B. wenn Ravana, der 10-köpfige Dämon, für den Politiker steht, dessen wahres Gesicht man nie kennt, oder der Stier für das nepalische Volk, das zwar lange braucht, bis es sich in Bewegung setzt, dann aber kaum aufzuhalten ist.

The pictures are here

More about Ragini on :

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Schorndorf exhibition is open

Club Manufaktur in Schorndorf hosts the "People Power" series until the 15/12/2007

The mayor of the city of Schorndorf , Mr. Matthias Klopfer has inaugurated the exhibition and was presented a Nepali topi.

An other prominent guest was the Director of Kulture house, Schorndorf , Ms . Sabine Reichle – Nolle .

Both speakers have presented the artist and the work exhibited
with details and an elaborate understanding of the Nepalese context. This proves how much art and artists act as a bridge between culture and countries.

A recent video documentary about Ragini's work has also been displayed during the inauguration ceremony. The video entitle "Let them bark" highlight the social and cultural depth of the artist's message.

The "People Power" series is a tribute to the popular uprising which restored democratic rule in Nepal in April 2006 often referred as the Andolan 2.

The "People Power " series is available on the Picasa Gallery, just clik here

The video documentary is available on :

More background information is available on :

Monday, December 3, 2007

My exhibition in Edinburgh has closed

My group show with

Nan Mulder, Gea Karhof,and Seema Sharma Shah

at Open Eye Gallery in Edinburgh

The exhibition started on 10th of November 2007. It is a great success with many works sold.

The show is named : Double Vision

It runs from 10th to 28th November 2007

Some more photos are available on my Picasa Gallery just click here

The Open Eye Gallery has a small page with my work, click here to see it but I exhibit more works as show on my gallery RaginiForScotland2007

The second show is in Schorndorf, near Stuttgart, in Germany from the 30th of November to the 14th of December.

The venue is called the Manufaktur and their web site is :

I am very thrilled to meet new people in Scotland and hope to enjoy the reunion with many old friends in Germany.

There is more information about my acquaintance with Germany on my web site in my "German story" pages.

Click here for the "People's Power" gallery.

Some articles about my exhibitions are published in the Kathmandu Post
